Autonomy is a widely used concept in education policy and practice. The etymology of the concept derives from the Greek autonomos ‘having its own laws’ (Oxford Dictionaries, Citation2015). As such, the debates around the concept circulate around individuals’ or groups’ ability and capacity to self-rule, and the governance and/or constraints, which limit such a capacity. However, autonomy has also been widely contested in philosophy, and as suggested by Rawls (Citation1980), for example, the concept has been defined in a variety of ways. In educational research too, the concept has been debated from varying viewpoints, as, for example, scholars engaged in education history (Smaller, Citation2015), education sociology and policy (Ball, Citation2006; Apple, Citation2002), legal issues (Berka, Citation2000) and pedagogy (Reinders, Citation2010; Little, Citation1995) have all problematised and defined its meaning in relation to education. ( NordSTEP 2015, 1: 28841- http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/nstep.v1.28841) https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:892583/FULLTEXT01.pdf
Categories describe a class or division of people or things regarded as having particular shared characteristics
Class Teacher is the one teacher among the group of teachers involved with a class who has the main responsibility when it comes to monitoring and supporting the (all) subject-specific and social development of the students
Cooperating class teacher is the class teacher who is in partnership with the university mentoring/supervising a student teacher on professional placement
Coding is a system of yes/no check words used to establish if modules and micro module exemplars meet the PRIME PETE profile statements/ competencies
Competence the ability to do something successfully or efficiently. Competences are defined in the PRIME PETE teacher profile. They are defined as a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes, where:
- knowledge is composed of the facts and figures, concepts, ideas and theories which are already established or constructed from the practice and support the understanding of a certain area or subject;
- skills are defined as the ability and capacity to carry out processes and use the existing knowledge to achieve results;
- attitudes describe the disposition and mind-sets to act or react to ideas, persons or situations.
Uni Lux; Council of the European Union (2018): Council Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32018H0604(01)&from=LT (p. C 189/7)
The body of knowledge, skills and attitudes expected to be learned by all students, generally related to a set of subjects and learning areas that are common to all students, such as languages, mathematics, arts, physical education, science and social studies. Unesco glossary
Co-teach is teaching with a peer student teacher (s) and features in some of the PRIME PETE modules and micro-modules
Curriculum - refers to an organised sequence of teaching, learning and learning experiences (see Programme)
Delphi Study is a well-established research approach to answering a question through the identification of a consensus view across subject experts
Descriptors are words or expressions used to describe or identify modules
Dimensions are an aspect or feature of a competency
Education Studies is learning about (education sciences) philosophy, sociology, psychology, (pedagogy and didactics) and history of education
Elements are the essential or characteristic parts of the PRIME PETE programme.
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) the Europe-wide use of the student workload based ECTS not only allows student mobility across Europe and in other countries as well; it can also facilitate programme design and development, particularly with respect to coordinating and rationalising the demands made on students by concurrent course units. In other words, ECTS permits us to plan how best to use students' time to achieve the aims of the educational process, rather than considering teachers' time as the primary constraint and students' time as basically limitless.
The field of extended education encompasses all “activities and programs which are (1) based on a pedagogic intention and organized to (2) facilitate learning and educational processes of children and adolescents (3) not (completely) covered by school curriculum-based learning and (4) which aim at fostering academic achievement, (5) success at school, or (6) in general to accumulate cultural capital in the broader sense.” (Stecher, Maschke, & Preis, 2018), https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1250989.pdf
External Provider in the context of PE is a qualified coach, dance teacher or similar who delivers the PE lesson instead of the generalist teacher. In some cases, it may be alongside the class teacher (also supporting teachers or advisers, which are specialist from higher levels of schooling who helps generalists on PE teaching)
IPPEA (n.d.) The Role of the External Provider https://www.irishprimarype.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/RoleExternalProvider_Jan2011.pdf
Field Experience is physical education school experience
Murphy, Marron and Coulter, 2021) (e.g. school placement, practicum or internship
Foundation Studies are introductions to core topics
Generalist Teacher/ Non-Specialist Teacher is a teacher who teaches most subjects that a child studies in school. We understand this to apply in particular to elementary/primary teachers
Hybrid Delivery is a delivery method that aims to engage with an audience that is separated geographically with some students attending in person and others participating online via a live stream
Initial teacher educators (ITE's) Pre-service teacher education is the education and training provided to student teachers before they have undertaken any teaching. Initial teacher educators (ITE's) or lecturers facilitate delivery of the programme modules
Independent Work Self-study means independent work i.e., during the micro module students were given time to work on peer group tasks or individual tasks; they had to return to present their work
Knowledge in education is a multifaceted concept that plays a crucial role in learning and development. Let’s explore some perspectives on knowledge:
Conceptual Knowledge: This type of knowledge involves framing ideas and mental models. It’s about how we construct information in our minds. For example, understanding mathematical concepts or grasping scientific theories falls under conceptual knowledge.
Procedural Knowledge: This pertains to know-how—the practical skills and processes we use. Think of algorithms, recipes, or the steps to ride a bicycle. Procedural knowledge guides our actions.
Structural Knowledge: A subset of conceptual knowledge, structural knowledge delves into how concepts are organized at a fundamental level. It includes our assumptions about numeracy, cause and effect, and the nature of the world1. (…)
In summary, knowledge isn’t static; it’s a dynamic force that shapes our understanding of the world. As educators, we play a vital role in fostering both foundational and critical thinking skills, empowering the next generation of knowledge builders1.
Learning Outcomes - a learner is expected to know, understand and/or be able to do at the end of a period of learning. Learning outcomes are typically characterised using active verbs expressing knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis; These are identified for each module and micro-module of the PRIME PETE programme
Lecture an educational talk to an audience, especially one of a large group of students in a university. This term is used in each module of the PRIME PETE programme.
Learning Teaching and Training (LTT): Event in an Erasmus + Project.
Mentor teacher educator is responsible for supervising or mentoring the pre- and in-service teachers
Micro Module is a part/fraction of a module to help students have a specific understanding of a particular topic in a module.
Module is a distinct, discrete, self-contained element of the PRIME PETE programme. A module is a self-contained, formally structured learning experience. It has a coherent and explicit set of learning outcomes, expressed in terms of competences to be obtained, and appropriate assessment criteria.
Movement Based is a lesson/workshop/seminar/studio/laboratory-based session that is face to face and practical, where the key focus is on learning through movement/physical activity he method of delivery
Multiplier Event is an event organised in order to share the outcomes and results of a project with a large audience
Offline Delivery is an educational class that is recorded and available for students at an exact time or for an exact time-period. Students can view a recording, sometimes referred to as a ‘lecture capture,’ in their own time as long as they have access to internet.
Online Delivery refers to a lecture delivered virtually as opposed to in-person. Online lectures may be asynchronous, in that students can watch a lecture at a preferred time and at their own pace. Other online lectures may be synchronous, where students must be present at a specified time to view the lecture in real-time
Overarching Element (OE) in the PRIME PETE programme may be a module or a piece of work or process that may be woven into many modules and micro modules e.g., reflection, research project, school placement.
Open Course Platform is a free online access platform that hosts courses of study that may be accessed by many people over the internet. The PRIME PETE website hosts the PRIME PETE programmes.
Programme - refers to an organised sequence of teaching, learning and learning experiences (see Curriculum)
Peers a student teacher who is involved in the same educational setting who could provide feedback to another student teacher
PRIME PETE Primary Education Physical Education Teacher Education
Principal is the director of a school
Progressional Scheme/Plan is a unit of physical education work/number of lessons for a defined period of time e.g., 6 weeks
Professional Development Event is an organized activity or programme that is designed to assist individuals improve their skills, knowledge, and abilities in their chosen profession. These events can take many different forms, such as workshops, conferences, networking events, and training sessions. The goal of these events is to provide professionals with the opportunity to learn new skills, stay current with industry trends, and connect with other professionals in their field.
Professional Placement: see school placement.
Quality physical education (QPE) is distinct from physical education. The main differences relate to frequency, variety, inclusivity and value content. QPE, as a subject which fuses physical, mental and socio-emotional learning domains, provides a high-impact investment to address 3 global crises: Physical activity; Mental health, Inequality.
As it is pointed out in the OECD Learning Compass 2030, “taking responsibility” is one of crucial competencies students need to develop in order to be prepared for unforeseen future of 2030. “Taking responsibility” requires that students consider their role in shaping the world’s future, which demands that they consider the future consequences of their actions and decisions. And as students do this more regularly, it will strengthen their sense of self-efficacy and their general sense of well-being. I define “responsibility” as exercising control over one’s behavior, and interacting with others in ways that demonstrate healthy independence, planning ahead, and impulse control. “Taking responsibility” depends on having a strong sense of self-regulation. ( OECD Learning Compass 2030 Transformative Competencies: Taking Responsibility Laurence Steinberg) https://www.oecd.org/education/2030-project/teaching-and-learning/learning/transformative-competencies/Thought_leader_written_Steinberg.pdf
School Placement is formally examined university professional placement where students are placed to teach physical education and where some may teach other subjects
School Placement Tutor is a person who supports and mentors student teachers and evaluates their practice while on placement preferably with physical education subject expertise
School Self Evaluation is the process that schools use to assess their own conditions to provide a successful education
Setting refers to the mode(s) of delivery e.g., Online, hybrid, offline, movement based, theory based
Seminar/Workshop/ Tutorial students participate in a small group setting with supervisor and/ or peers
Short Description are words or expressions used to describe or identify modules.
Motor skills describe your body’s ability to manage the process of movement. To perform motor skills, your brain, muscles, and nervous system must all work seamlessly together. Thus, your coordination is determined by how well you are able to use these motor functions to perform a desired task. For example, walking, jumping, and grabbing are all considered fundamental motor skills. With age and repetition, you are able to perform these gross motor skills with better precision and efficiency. On the other hand, skills that require more dexterity are known as fine motor skills. These can be anything from pointing a finger, opening the zipper on your jacket, or even sports-specific skills such as hitting a golf ball. Learning a new physical skill is also known as motor learning. At the beginning of learning any new skill, your brain forms a neural pattern (schema) that makes completing the skill possible. Practicing the same skill even further strengthens this neural connection, making it more efficient and easier to perform. https://thesportsedu.com/motor-skills/#google_vignette
Specialist Teacher a teacher with expertise in a major subject area working with children. A specialist teacher may also teach a minor subject
Structured Independent Work Engagement with specified readings and resources to support research or assignments
Themes are important ideas or topics that underpin the PRIME PETE programme e.g., digital learning, inclusion
Theory Based (TB) is a lecture-based instructional approach. It refers to a traditional classroom teaching model, where the instructor delivers a lecture verbally using tools such as a projector, visual display surface and writing surface (e.g., a chalkboard, dry-erase whiteboard or whiteboard).
Tutorial: see Seminar.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an educational framework with three key principles: engagement, representation, and action and expression. It supports accessibility for all in the design and implementation of the PETE programme.
University Tutor/Supervisor is a person assigned by the university with expertise in physical education to mentor and examine a student teacher practice in planning, teaching and professionalism physical education lessons and programmes
To meet the challenges of the 21st century, students need to be empowered and feel that they can aspire to help shape a world where well-being and sustainability – for themselves, for others, and for the planet – is achievable. The OECD Learning Compass 2030 has identified three “transformative competencies” that students need in order to contribute to and thrive in our world, and shape a better future. Creating new value means innovating to shape better lives, such as creating new jobs, businesses and services, and developing new knowledge, insights, ideas, techniques, strategies and solutions, and applying them to problems both old and new. When learners create new value, they question the status quo, collaborate with others and try to think “outside the box”. Reconciling tensions and dilemmas means taking into account the many interconnections and inter-relations between seemingly contradictory or incompatible ideas, logics and positions, and considering the results of actions from both short- and long-term perspectives. Through this process, students acquire a deeper understanding of opposing positions, develop arguments to support their own position, and find practical solutions to dilemmas and conflicts. Taking responsibility is connected to the ability to reflect upon and evaluate one’s own actions in light of one’s experience and education, and by considering personal, ethical and societal goals. www.oecd.org/education/2030-project
Workload is a learner-oriented quantitative measure of the learning activities that may feasibly be required for the achievement of the learning outcomes. Workload comprises the estimated time which is needed for any type of learning: lectures, seminars, practical work, private study, information retrieval, research, group work, independent studies, examinations, etc. The concept of workload is also the basis for allocating credits within a credit system such as the ECTS and is used within the PRIME PETE programme in an indicative manner
Workshop: see Seminar.
- A Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area Bologna Working Group on Qualifications Frameworks http://www.ehea.info/media.ehea.info/file/WG_Frameworks_qualification/71/0/050218_QF_EHEA_580710.pdf
- CALOHEE project https://www.calohee.eu/
- Directorate-General for Education and Culture: ECTS Users’ Guide. European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System and the Diploma Supplement, Brussels, 2005, p. 45; http://www.ehea.info/media.ehea.info/file/ECTS_Guide/77/4/ects-guide_en_595774.pdf
- European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, ECTS users’ guide 2015, Publications Office, 2017, https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2766/87192
- IPPEA (n.d.) The Role of the External Provider https://www.irishprimarype.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/RoleExternalProvider_Jan2011.pdf
- Murphy, Marron & Coulter (2021). Primary field experiences: Critical for primary generalist physical education teachers? European Physical Education Review. 27 (4).
- https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1356336X21991188
Promoting Quality Physical Education Policy. UNESCO. https://www.unesco.org/en/quality-physical-education
- The EU European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF for LLL). http://www.ehea.info/page-qualification-frameworks)