Pedagogical Project in Physical Education

The Pedagogical Project module aims to solve or carry out a self-selected problem or project within an implementation phase in a school environment. In both approaches, Project-based or Problem-based learning the learners are active and empowered. Both learning approaches allow our students to both acquire new knowledge and develop their self-learning and knowledge and develop their self-learning and lifelong learning skills. They also prepare students for the research work they are required to do as part of their thesis.
Suggested Number of ECTs
Total Workload- 78 hours
Seminar work/Workshop/ Tutorial - 20 hours
Independent Work - 58 hours
Seminars (group of max. 30 students) with lecture part and practical part in
school placemat, Group work (preparation of the project that will be implemented by the students in the internship school)
Problem-based and/or project-based learning
Classroom (lecture part)
Internship School (practical part
Dimensions Core
D1S1, D1S3
Dimensions Extended
D1K7, D1C3
D5K1, D5S1, D5C4, D5C5, D5C6
- Finding a topic and developing a research question
- Developing theoretical foundations
- Developing the method(s) of realising the project
- Presenting the realisation of the project
- Carrying out the project
- Presentation of results/data
- Interpretation of the project realisation and results
- Reflection on the chosen question in connection with the theory
- Conclusion and perspective
- LO1: Apply research methods adapted to the school context;
- LO2: Develop personal questions about teaching and learning.
- LO3: Design, implement and document teaching-learning scenarios
- LO4: Analyze the curriculum.
- LO5: Act as an enquiring teacher.
- LO6:Develop a systematic approach to work.
- American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (Seventh edition ed.). American Psychological Association.
- Klein, K (2008). Lernen mit Projekten. In der Gruppe planen, durchführen, präsentieren. Verlag an der Ruhr.
3. Dornbusch, R. & Trelewsky, K. (2016). Keine Angst vor Projektarbeit! So gelingen Themenfindung, Umsetzung und Bewertung. Cornelsen
1. Introduction to the Pedagogical Project in Physical Education Theory-Based Lecture (4 hour)
Pedagogy focus: Present your research topic – Elevator Pitch; Expert groups 2. Concretisation of the project Theory-Based Lecture (4 hour)
Pedagogy focus: Community of practice 3. Convince with your project Theory-Based Lecture (4 hour)
Pedagogy focus: Self-/Peer-/Teacher-Feedback | |
| Eight-weeks break to carry out the project at the internship school |
4. Evaluation of the project Theory-Based Lecture (4 hour)
Pedagogy focus: Community of practice, Expert groups | |
5. Final presentation Theory-Based Lecture (4 hour) Self/peer/teacher feedback based on different criteria | |