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Foundations of Primary Physical Education

Short description of the module

The Module “Foundations of Physical Education” provides fundamentals for all the 5 dimensions of Primary Education Physical Education Teacher Profile. These are outlined in the section “Module Learning Outcomes”. 

In this module, the importance of movement and play in the development of the child are analysed in relation to the educational objectives of kindergarten and primary school. 

By combining the study of the fundamentals of human movement sciences and educational theories, and reflection on their own motor experiences, students can become competent in recognizing and satisfying children’s movement needs. They can also become able to propose different modalities for motor learning and adapt them appropriately to diverse pupils, situations, settings and contexts. Finally, they will develop the abilities to design, conduct, and evaluate stimulating and problem-posing movement-learning situations, for different age groups. 

The module deals with specific theoretical disciplinary contents and proposes activities for the development of professional skills and competences. 

Suggested Number of ECTs


Total Workload - 125 h
  • Lecture - 30 hours
  • Seminar/workshop/Tutorial - 20 hours
  • Structured Independent work - 25 hours
  • Independent Work  - 50 hours

Teaching Methodologies

  • Theory-based lectures
  • Movement-based lectures 

  • Theory-based lectures: University room
  • Movement-based lectures: Gym, swimming pool, outdoor sport facilities

Dimensions Core
  • D1K1, D1K2, D1K3, D1K4, D1S1, D1S2, D1S3, D1C1;
  • D2K1, D2S1, D2S2, D2S3, D2S4;
  • D3K1, D3S1, D3S2, D3C1, D3C2, D3C3; 
  • D4K1, D4S1, D4S2, D4S3, D4C1, D4C2, D4C3;  
  • D5C1, D5C2, D5C3 

Dimensions Extended

D1K5, D1K6, D1C2, D1C3, D1C4;
D2K2, D2K3, D2K4, D2K5, D2S6, D2S8, D2C1, D2C2, D2C3;
D3K2 D3K3, D3S3, D3S4, D3S5, D3S6;
D4K2, D4S4, D4S5, D4C4, D4C5, D4C6;
D5K1, D5S1, D5S2, D5S3, D5C4, D5C5, D5C6

Indicative Content

Theoretical and methodological foundations

  • Movement, health and well-being: the     fundaments.
  • The importance of movement in       childhood.
  • Motor development in childhood.
  • ...

Experiences of didactics of movements with particular attention to the age groups 3-5 and 6-8:

• Experiencing and learning about different movement experiences
• Experiencing and learning about different fundamental motor skills
• Communicating feelings and emotions through movement
• Preparing spaces for movement


  • LO1:  Describe the importance and function of movement in childhood, mastering basic notions on motor development and learning;
  • LO2: choose appropriate materials and movement situations for the promotion of physical activity in kindergarten and primary school.
  • LO3:observe, analyze and evaluate children’s movement;
  • LO4: acquire teaching strategies, knowing how to reflect on them to design and implement effective and enjoyable teaching activities;
  • LO5: analyze PE specific language, knowing the pros and cons of sport and PE as “instruments” to promote positive values (i.e., respect, equity and inclusion), and discuss movement in technical/scientific contexts, during PE lessons with children and with their parents.
  1. Carraro, A. & Bertollo M. (2005). Le scienze motorie e sportive nella scuola primaria. [Motor and sports sciences in primary school]. Padova: CLEUP. 
  2. Carraro, A. & Gobbi, E. (2016).Muoversi per star bene. Una guida introduttiva all’attività fisica. [Moving for wellbeing. An introductory guide to Physical activity]. Roma: Carocci. 
  3. Indicazioni Nazionali per il Curricolo della Scuola dell’Infanzia e del Primo Ciclo d’Istruzione, 2012e Indicazioni Provinciali per la scuola primaria (Bolzano e Trento). [National guidelines for kindergarten and primary school, 2012, and province guidelines for primary school, Bolzano and Trento provinces]. 
  4. International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) (2020). ISPAH’s Otto Investimenti che funzionano per promuovere l’attività fisica [Eight investments that work for physical activity]. Available from: 
  5. WHO (2020). WHO guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour. Geneva: World Health Organization.
  6. WHO (2021). Promoting Physical Activity Through Schools: A Toolkit. Geneva: World Health Organization.


Supplementary/Recommended resources:

  1. Carraro, A. & Corni, F. (2021). Muoversi per capire e capire per muoversi. Come fisica ed educazione fisica possono facilmente incontrarsi. In G. Cavrini, M. Parricchi, D. Kofler, M. Cagol (Eds.). Per tutta la vita. Pedagogia come progetto umano(pp. 283-293). Milano: Franco Angeli. ISBN 978-88-351-1685-1 
  2. Carraro, A., McCuaig, L., Marino, M., & Gobbi, E. (2017). Values-based education through physical education and sport: A toolkit for teachers. In D. Colella, B. Antala, S. Epifani (Eds.). Physical education in primary school. Researches, best practices, situation(pp. 223-240). Lecce: Pensa MultiMedia. ISBN: 978-88-6760-474-6.
  3. Pangrazi R. & Beighle A. (2016). Dynamic physical education for elementary school children, 18th Edition. San Francisco: Pearson.
  4. UNESCO, OFCH, Agitos Foundation, WADA, ICSSPE, CIEPSS, CIFP (2019). Sport values in every classroom.
  5. Vayer, P. (1973). Educazione psicomotoria nell’età scolastica [Psychomotor education at school age]. Roma: Armando.



(Expansion of Indicative Content Content) 

Note: This module resource is structured in
8 lectures (an introductive lecture of 2 hours and the followings of 4 hours each – 30 hours) and 5 laboratories/active classes (4 hours each – 20 hours), for a total of 50 hours.


Introduction to “Foundations of Primary Physical Education
(2nd Year of the single cycle Master´s degree in Primary Education for generalist teachers) 

Theory-based (2 hours)

  • Presentation of the lecturers, of the students and the course structure and topics;
  • Introduction to the studio teaching method;
Defining the key concepts of physical activity, physical education, sport according to students’ personal experiences and knowledge.

Lecture 2:

Physical activity and health

(Knowledge and understanding of physical activity recommendations. Part 1)

Theory-based (4 hours)

In this lecture scientific evidence on the links between physical activity and health are discussed, the lecture encompasses part of the Micro-Module A, “Knowledge and understanding of physical activity recommendations”. Contents include:

  • Links between physical activity, wellbeing, and health-related outcomes;
  • The “pandemic of sedentarism”;
  • Physical Activity recommendations for children, adolescents, adults and vulnerable groups.

Lecture 3:

Physical Literacy and Quality Physical Education

(Knowledge and understanding of physical activity recommendations. Part 2)

Theory-based (4 hours)

This lecture encompasses and expand the Micro-Module A, “Knowledge and understanding of physical activity recommendations and quality PE”. Contents include:

  • The physical literacy concept
  • Eight investments that work for promoting PA
  • Five key points for implementing QPE classes

Lectures 4 and 5:

Fundamentals of theories of human movement and didactics of motor activities 

Theory-based (4 hours + 4 hours)

These two lectures encompass theories related to human movement and the didactics of motor activities, with particular focus on the age-group 3-8, the kindergarten and primary school settings, and the specific role of generalist teachers. Contents include:

  • The definition of motor task, motor skill, capacity, and competence;
  • The classification of motor skills;
  • The description of some relevant theory on motor learning;
  • The presentation of two relevant models for PE teaching;
  • The characteristics of effective PE teaching;
  • The importance of verbal and body communication;
  • Some practical implications.

Lecture 6:

Motivation, motivational climate and enjoyment in Physical Education

Theory-based (4 hours)

This lecture encompasses and expand over 4 hours the Micro-Module B, “Motivation, motivational climate and enjoyment in PE”. Contents include:

  • Transtheoretical model of behaviour change
  • Ego- and task-oriented climates in PE
  • Self-Determination Theory
  • The concept of enjoyment
The identification facilitators and barriers for pleasant lessons

Lecture 7:

Values-based education through sport and Physical Education

Theory-based (4 hours)

This lecture encompasses and expand over 4 hours the Micro-Module C, “Values-based education through sport and PE”. Contents include:

  • Definitions of values, character, moral development, life skills, and positive youth development
  • Values in sport
  • Values in the classroom
The presentation of the “Sport values in every classroom” toolkit

Lecture 8:

Presentation of students’ portfolios and critical debate

Theory-based (4 hours)  

This conclusive lecture is devoted to the presentation of students’ portfolios. Each presentation is followed by a critical discussion involving all the students and the lecturers.

Laboratories 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Movement-based (4 Hours for each of the 5 lab lessons)

These 5 labs will provide students with some practical contents related to the theoretical lectures, and will give students the space to implement and deliver (to the other students) their own examples of movement situations and PE lessons, mainly based on the Micro-modules A, B, and C, namely:

  • Applications of the knowledge and understanding of physical activity recommendations, the concept of “active school”;
  • Motor skills development;
  • Teaching pleasant and enjoyable PE classes;
  • Educating pupils to positive values through PE and movement activities.

The 5 labs will not follow a strict structure but will be organised in order to allow all the students/groups of students to deliver their examples of PE lessons in the university gym.