School Physical and Health Education

This module is focused on a complex understanding of quality physical education in primary schools and its implementation. The student will be led through curricular documents and will acquire knowledge of international perspectives of PE. From the practical point of view the student will master the technique and methodology of exercises, which are the content of physical education in primary education. The student will also get information on teaching methods and strategies in PE, will be able to promote inclusive physical education. The student will acquire knowledge in the field of health promotion, healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.
Suggested Number of ECTs
Total workload - 125 hours
Theory Based - 24 hours
Movement Based - 24 hours
Structured independent work -8
Independent Work - 93 hours
Movement Based, Theory Based Lectures, Individual tasks, Group tasks, Structured Independent tasks.
Lecture room, seminar room, Indoor sports hall and outdoor sports field, swimming pool
Dimensions Core
D1K2; D1K3; D1S2;
D2S1; D2S3; D2S4; D2C1; D2C3;
D3S1; D3S2; D3S3; D3C1; D3C2; D3c3;
D4S1; D4S2; D4C1; D4C2; D4C3; D4C4;
D5C3; D5C1
Dimensions Extended
D2S6; D2S7;
• Educational area Health and movement according to National Education Programme (2015)
• Characteristics of school physical education
• Curricular and legislative documents, comparison of physical education curriculum in Slovakia and abroad, concepts (directions) of physical education PRIME PETE Programme Module Samples
• Health and its components, health-oriented fitness
• Healthy lifestyle and healthy nutrition
• Methods, organizational forms and planning in school physical education lessons
• PE lesson and its structure
• Inclusive primary physical education and its implementation
• Assessment of basic motor competencies and the use of technologies for the assessment of fitness
Practice in gym
• Basic motor competencies
• Technique and didactics of athletics
• Technique and didactics of gymnastics
• Technique and didactics of movement and sports games
• Psychomotor exercises and games
• Technique and didactics of seasonal physical activities (swimming, skiing etc.)
• Motor testing (competencies, abilities, skills)
• Examples of inclusive physical activities and games
School placement
• Observation of PE lessons
• Teaching PE lesson in primary school
• Analysis of PE lessons
• Critical assessment of PE lesson in primary schoo
LO1: Critically analyse the factors that determine quality physical education;
LO2: Identify and apply procedures for the implementation of quality physical education, including inclusive approach in primary PE;
LO3: Describe the role of primary education teacher in the process of ensuring quality physical education and promote examples of good practice in PE;
LO4: Evaluate and assess PE curriculum and motor skills development;
LO5: Identify and apply principles of healthy lifestyle;
LO6: Demonstrate understanding of children’s development of basic motor skills
LO7: Apply digital technologies to assess basic motor skills and fitness level
Teaching modules
- National Curriculum (Slovak):
- Masaryková, D. Pohybové kompetencie v predprimárnom a primárnom vzdelávaní. Trnava : Pedagogická fakulta Trnavskej univerzity v Trnave, 2021. 79 s. [4,05 AH]. ISBN 978¬ 80¬ 568¬ 0224¬ 3
Online resources:
- Disentangling Inclusion in Primary Physical Education (2021).
- Basic motor competences in Europe (20219).
| RESOURCE (Expansion of Indicative Content) Note: This module resource is based on a structure of 12 weeks x 3 hours (1hour lecture, 1 hour gym, 1 hour school placement) |
1 | Physical Education in National Curriculum Theory-Based Lecture (1 hour)
Movement-Based (1 Hour)
Guiding Material: School placement (1 Hour)
2 | Characteristics of school physical education, PE status in school Theory-Based Lecture (1 hour)
Movement-Based (1 Hour)
Sample Challenges/Games: supporting athletic games School placement (1 Hour)
3 | Characteristics of school physical education, PE status in school Theory-Based Lecture (1 hour)
Movement-Based (1 Hour) Technique and didactics of athletics Sample Challenges/Games: supporting athletic games School placement (1 Hour)
4 | Health and its components Theory-Based Lecture (1 hour)
Movement-Based (1 Hour)
Sample Challenges/Games: supporting gymnastic games School placement (1 Hour)
5 | Health and its components Theory-Based Lecture (1 hour)
Movement-Based (1 Hour)
Sample Challenges/Games: differentiation of games according to fitness level School placement (1 Hour)
6 | Health and its components Theory-Based Lecture (1 hour)
Movement-Based (1 Hour)
Sample Challenges/Games: differentiation of games according to fitness level School placement (1 Hour)
7 | Planning and organization of PE lessons Theory-Based Lecture (1 hour)
Movement-Based (1 Hour)
Sample Challenges/Games: body acknowledgement, using senses and all body parts School placement (1 Hour)
8 | Planning and organization of PE lessons Theory-Based Lecture (1 hour)
Movement-Based (1 Hour)
Sample Challenges/Games: body acknowledgement, using senses and all body parts School placement (1 Hour)
9 | Seasonal physical activities – swimming (MM Swimming) Theory-Based Lecture (1 hour)
Movement-Based (1 Hour)
Sample Challenges/Games: basic swimming skills, water games Guiding Material:MM_Swimming.pdf School placement (1 Hour)
10 | Inclusive primary physical education and its implementation (MM Inclusive PPE) Theory-Based Lecture (1 hour)
Movement-Based (1 Hour)
Sample Challenges/Games: supporting inclusive environment Guiding Material:MM_Inclusive Primary PE.pdf School placement (1 Hour)
11 | Inclusive primary physical education and its implementation (MM Inclusive PPE) Theory-Based Lecture (1 hour)
Movement-Based (1 Hour)
Sample Challenges/Games: supporting inclusive environment Guiding Material:MM_Inclusive Primary PE.pdf School placement (1 Hour)
12 | Assessment of basic motor competencies and the use of technologies for the assessment of fitness level Theory-Based Lecture (1 hour)
Movement-Based (1 Hour)
Guiding Material: School placement (1 Hour)