Teaching Physical Education

The module Teaching Physical Education is a subject/module of the Master of Teaching in PE oriented to prepare preservice specialist teachers to intervening in the PE teaching at the 1st and 2nd schooling level (5-9y & 10-11y), together equivalent to primary schooling level in most European countries. In Portugal, specialist PE teachers use to act in primary school as substitutes of generalist
teachers (not officially, namely in the private system) or as support teachers or extra-curricular physical activities (officially, mainly in the public system).
The module is organize to prepare preservice teachers to developed their interpretative, prescriptive and justificatory knowledge about the childhood motor development (and its interactions withs the social, emotional and cognitive ones), the national curricular aims and contents, the quality of PE lessons planning, classroom management, and assessment, and the integration of PE in primary schools as a compulsory subject, both in its specific or multidisciplinary
Suggested Number of ECTs
Total Workload 84.5 hours
Lecture - 13 hours
Seminar/ workshop/Tutorial - 13 hours
Structured independent work - 58.5 hours
Lecture – expositive and reflexive teaching
Group Work (workshop) - small group of 25 students – Problem solving / debates
/ discussion
Real practical lessons with primary pupils in the gym / observation/ discussion
Lecture room, Workshops room
Gym with adequate material to the 1st cycle national syllabus references
Dimensions Core
D1K1, D1K2, D1K3
D2S1, D2S2, D2S3
Dimensions Extended
D1K1, D1K2, D1K3, D1K4, D1K5, D1K6, D1K7,
D1S1, D1S2, D1S3,
D1C1, D1C2, D1C3, D1C4,
D2K1, D2K2, D2K3, D2K4, D2K5
D2S4, D2S5, D2S6, D2S7, D2S8,
D2C1, D2C2
Indicative Content
- Integration of PE in the Curriculum Development Plan for the 1st cycle.
- Analysis, in real situations, of the PE Teaching-Learning Process in the 1st cycle
- Organization and management of teaching
- Particularities of the Motor Development and Learning of children between 3 and 10 years old and their implications for the Teaching and Learning of PE
- PE Curricular Project in the 1st cycle of basic education: its content and organization.
- LO1: Identify the biological and social characteristics of motor development in childhood;
- LO2:Identify the purposes of the Physical Education (PE) educational project within the scope of the global educational project of the 1st cycle of basic education and PE;
- LO3: Critically analyses the relationship between PE and Physical and Sports Activities;
- LO4: Identify the characteristics of teaching quality and learning in the 1st of school
- LO5: Plan and evaluate the learning contents of the PE program in the 1st cycle, ensuring the differentiation of teaching according to the educational needs of children
- LO6: Justify the integration of the PE curriculum area in the 1st cycle multidisciplinary educational project.
Gallahue, D., & Donnelly, F. (2007). Chapter 2 Childhood growth and motor development. Developmental physical education for all children (4th ed., pp. 24-59). Champaign: IL: Human Kinetics.
Gallahue, D., & Donnelly, F. (2007). Chapter 3 Movement skill acquisition. Developmental physical education for all children (4th ed., pp. 50-77). Champaign: IL: Human Kinetics.
Siedentop, D. (1991). Developing Teaching Skills in Physical Education. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield.
Tsangaridou, N. (2012). Educating primary teachers to teach physical education. European Physical Education Review, 18(3), 275–286.
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