Inclusive Primary Physical Education

During this module, the participating student teachers will learn to know
theories, models and concepts when it comes to inclusive physical education during a first theoretical part of the course. Further on, they will be familiarized with the concept of ‘Understanding and planning for inclusion’ from the DIPPE-project (Disentangling inclusion in primary physical education;
In the second part of the course, the teacher students will plan, implement and reflect inclusive physical education lessons in regular physical education lessons in a primary school. Alternatively, if access to a primary school is not possible, they will implement the classes with their peers during the course in a practical session. When planning the inclusive physical education lessons, the student teachers will have to base their planning and decisions for the implementation of their lessons on the theoretical concepts and models seen in the theoretical part of the course.
Suggested Number of ECTs
Total Workload
Seminar work/Workshop/ Tutorial - 2+8 hours
Independent Work - 16 hours
Face-to-face teaching with group work in the first theoretical lesson;
Group work: teaching of the planned inclusive lessons by the student teachers.
Seminar room for the first theoretical session
Sports hall (if possible with a regular PE class in a primary school) for the implementation of the planned
inclusive lessons
Dimensions Core
D2S1, D2S2, D2S3
D3K1, D3S2, D3C1, D3C2, D3C3
D4S1, D4S2, D4C2, D4C3
Dimensions Extended
Inclusion in primary Physical Education:
• Inclusion of students with additional needs;
Programme PRIME PETE Erasmus+
• Participation of all students;
• Planning of inclusion: understanding inclusion, inclusive practice, strategies and resources
- LO1: identify and consider issues related to the inclusion of all students in lesson planning in physical education;
- LO2: Understand, what inclusive teaching in physical education means
- LO3: Understand, which theoretic models and/or tools might be useful to implement inclusive physical education;
- LO4: Understand, that different categories of additional needs require specific adaptations and/or support in inclusive physical education;
- LO5: Reflect their attitude when it comes to inclusive physical education.
- Giese, M. & Weigelt, L. (2015). Inklusiver Sportunterricht in Theorie und Praxis. Aachen: Meyer & Meyer.
- Unfallkasse NRW (Hrsg.) (2016). Gemeinsames Lernen im Schulsport. Inklusion auf den Weg gebracht. Band 1 – Grundlagen. Retrieved from
3. Marron, S., Murphy, F., Carty, C., Gallagher, J., Vecchione, H., Steel, E., & Scheuer, C. (2021). Recommendation document on disentangling inclusive primary physical education. Dublin: Dublin City University. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5899520
| RESOURCE(Expansion of Indicative Content Content)Note: This module resource is based on a structure of 5 weeks x 2 hours |
| 1.Inclusion in physical education Theory-Based Lecture (2 hour)
2.The DIPPE-Project – Disentangling Inclusion in Primary Physical Education Theory-Based Lecture (1 hour)
Learning, Attention and Concentration Movement-Based Lecture (1 hour) | |
3.Social and Emotional Development & Focus on large and fine motor skills Movement-Based Lecture (2 hours)
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4.Focus on physical disabilities & Funding Priority Chronic Diseases Movement-Based Lecture (2 hours)
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5.Focus on language and non-verbal communication & Focus on sensory perception Movement-Based Lecture (2 hours)